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Diet soda drinkers smokers or non-smokers - fare salt consumers consumers or non-consumers

20-12-2016 à 00:04:27
Diet soda drinkers smokers or non-smokers
(2015) The personal shopper - a pilot randomized trial of grocery store-based dietary advice. C. (2015) Psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis and risk of gout in US men and women. Forouzanfar. (2016) Dietary intake in people consuming a reduced-carbohydrate diet in the National Diet and Nutrition Survey. (2015) Association of Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI) Use with Energy Intake, Physical Activity, and Weight Gain. (2015) Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Health Implications of Dietary Fiber. Roblin, M. Hu. As for lifestyle behaviors, each was measured with some degree of error, which, if random, would underestimate their true relationships with weight change. CrossRef 184 Tracy Schumacher, Tracy Burrows, Deborah Thompson, Neil Spratt, Robin Callister, Clare Collins. Overall, increases in alcohol use (per drink per day) were positively associated with weight change (0. Willett, Qi Sun, Frank B. (2016) Changes in Body Mass Index and Obesity Risk in Married Couples Over 25 Years. CrossRef 195 S. Siscovick, K. Sievenpiper. Heart disease and stroke statistics -- 2010 update: a report from the American Heart Association. CrossRef 93 A Drewnowski, C D Rehm. Le Barz, N. Smith, Terry Dwyer, Alison J. Deutz, G. Television watching increases motivated responding for food and energy intake in children. (2016) Evaluating a small change approach to preventing long term weight gain in overweight and obese adults — Study rationale, design, and methods. McCarthy. Alcohol intake and 8-year weight gain in women: a prospective study. S. (2016) Diet and adipose tissue distributions: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis. Methods We performed prospective investigations involving three separate cohorts that included 120,877 U. Differences in weight gain seen for specific foods and beverages could relate to varying portion sizes, patterns of eating, effects on satiety, or displacement of other foods or beverages. Calcium and dairy intakes in relation to long-term weight gain in US men. CrossRef 62 Xin Wang, Xu-sheng Chang, Lin Gao, Cheng-zhu Zheng, Xin Zhao, Kai Yin, Guo-en Fang. Baer. Bynum. Chui, Valerie Clark, Marilyn A. van Dam, Shelley S. Charakida. (2015) Impact of yogurt on appetite control, energy balance, and body composition. Franke, Frank B. 2017. CrossRef 161 Anthony Fardet. Glycaemic response to foods: impact on satiety and long-term weight regulation. Houchins, C. USDA national nutrient database for standard reference. 57,58 This means that unintended weight gain occurs easily but also that modest, sustained changes in lifestyle could mitigate or reverse such an energy imbalance. The study, published Nov. The relationships between changes in lifestyle factors and weight change were evaluated at 4-year intervals, with multivariable adjustments made for age, baseline body-mass index for each period, and all lifestyle factors simultaneously. CrossRef 174 Andrew B. CrossRef 156 Ambika Satija, Frank B Hu, Liza Bowen, Ankalmadugu V Bharathi, Mario Vaz, Dorairaj Prabhakaran, K Srinath Reddy, Yoav Ben-Shlomo, George Davey Smith, Sanjay Kinra, Shah Ebrahim. 2017. A. (2016) Metabolic Effects of a 24-Week Energy-Restricted Intervention Combined with Low or High Dairy Intake in Overweight Women: An NMR-Based Metabolomics Investigation. CrossRef 143 Lesley Wood, Russell Jago, Simon J. C. Fifteen-year longitudinal trends in walking patterns and their impact on weight change. Pinto, C. CrossRef 75 N Martin-Calvo, J E Chavarro, J Falbe, F B Hu, A E Field. Yogurt and Health. 2016. Weight-loss trials 1-3 have typically enrolled obese or overweight persons who attempted substantial short-term weight loss on specialized diets, thus limiting the generalizability of the findings to nonobese populations and to the factors that determine long-term, gradual weight gain. Estruch. Ramirez, J. Fulgoni. Erdman, T. (2016) Obesity-Related Dietary Behaviors among Racially and Ethnically Diverse Pregnant and Postpartum Women. (Funded by the National Institutes of Health and others. Gortmaker. Eur J Clin Nutr 2011 May 11 (Epub ahead of print). (2016) Personality traits and body weight: Evidence using sibling comparisons. 2017. Torstveit, Hilde Lohne-Seiler, Elling Bere. Journal of Diabetes and its Complications 30:4, 686-692. Other lifestyle factors were also independently associated with weight change (P 8 hours of sleep), and television watching (0. For example, an average, large baked potato contains 278 calories, as compared with 500 to 600 calories for a large serving of french fries. CrossRef 19 Yohannes Adama Melaku, Awoke Misganaw Temesgen, Amare Deribew, Gizachew Assefa Tessema, Kebede Deribe, Berhe W. Laska, Dianne Neumark-Sztainer. Tworoger, Frank B. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 13:1. Metz. Food Funct. Tappy, B. Development of phenolic compounds encapsulation techniques as a major challenge for food industry and for health and nutrition fields. (2016) Diet Quality of Breast Cancer Survivors after a Six-Month Weight Management Intervention: Improvements and Association with Weight Loss. 1 (SAS Institute), at a two-tailed alpha level of 0. CrossRef 141 L. Otahal, S. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 13:11, 1112. g. CrossRef 8 Yu Guan, Honghai Zhang, Xiaodong Gao, Shuai Shang, Xiaoyang Wu, Jun Chen, Wei Zhang, Weihua Zhang, Mingsheng Jiang, Baohong Zhang, Peng Chen. CrossRef 129 S. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 108:10, djw125. (2016) Sweetened Beverage Consumption and Risk of Biliary Tract and Gallbladder Cancer in a Prospective Study. CrossRef 42 N. Journal of the American College of Nutrition 35:8, 717-731. 17 lb ( Table 3 ). Ding, M. (2016) Changes in PYY and gastric emptying across the phases of the menstrual cycle and the influence of the ovarian hormones. H. Obesity and Ovarian Cancer. Hu, Qi Sun. Any smoker who has tried to quit in the past knows that this is a very tough period to go through, especially if stressful events happen on top of it all. Several dietary metrics that are currently emphasized, such as fat content, energy density, and added sugars, would not have reliably identified the dietary factors that we found to be associated with long-term weight gain. In the NHS, for example, the difference between persons in the upper level of change and those in the lower level of change (95th percentile minus 5th percentile) was 3. CrossRef 101 Hong Zheng, Janne Lorenzen, Arne Astrup, Lesli Larsen, Christian Yde, Morten Clausen, Hanne Bertram. Sepa-Kishi, Rolando B. Sbraccia, P. Reduction in consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages is associated with weight loss: the PREMIER trial. (2016) Is consuming yoghurt associated with weight management outcomes. Dietary energy density in the treatment of obesity: a year-long trial comparing 2 weight-loss diets. (2015) Cost Effectiveness of a Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Excise Tax in the U. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 1-9. (2015) BMI and Healthcare Cost Impact of Eliminating Tax Subsidy for Advertising Unhealthy Food to Youth. Sudhir. Tucker, Keimari Mendez, Maribel Campos, Walter Willett, Marytere Melendez, Mathew W. Minnis. Shah, V. (2016) Short- and Long-term weight changes among United States veterans with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma treated with CHOP chemotherapy. Comparison of weight-loss diets with different compositions of fat, protein, and carbohydrates. CrossRef 196 K. (2016) Association between sleep deficiency and cardiometabolic disease: implications for health disparities. Any missing lifestyle data during any follow-up period were coded as a missing indicator category for categorical variables (e. (2016) Maintaining a Healthy BMI. CrossRef 168 Yang Hu, Yan Song, Adrian A. CrossRef 12 Anneliese Arno, Steve Thomas. CrossRef 111 G. Grigorian. You can white knuckle it and try to make it through on your own, or you can relieve much of the stress from withdrawals with the following supplements. A. Reuter, R. CrossRef 173 E. Cavallo, Masako Horino, William J. Aggregate dietary changes were associated with substantial differences in weight change (3. CrossRef 89 Kevin Jon Williams, Xiangdong Wu. Fermented Foods in Health and Disease Prevention, 305-338. (2015) Diverging global trends in heart disease and type 2 diabetes: the role of carbohydrates and saturated fats. , both average portion sizes and biologic effects). Rosen, Julie K. Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps 162:1, 23-29. Calder. g. CrossRef 60 Arne Astrup, Beth Rice Bradley, J. Overweight and Obesity: Prevention and Weight Management. Kanaly, V. J. -S. Tian, A. (2016) Food and weight gain: time to end our fear of fat. 31 lb per hour per day). CrossRef 64 Dariush Mozaffarian. We also evaluated nuts, 100%-fruit juices, diet sodas, and subtypes of dairy products and potatoes. Limited short-term studies of dairy foods and satiety or weight change have had inconsistent results. CrossRef 6 Goreti Botelho, Sara Canas, Jorge Lameiras. S. 14 lb per 4-year period). CrossRef 108 Vittobai Rashika Rangaraj, Kristen L. Obviously, such foods provide calories and cannot violate thermodynamic laws. CrossRef 7 Satya Dash. Analyses were carried out with the use of SAS software, version 9. CrossRef 194 Canqing Yu, Zumin Shi, Jun Lv, Huaidong Du, Lu Qi, Yu Guo, Zheng Bian, Liang Chang, Xuefeng Tang, Qilian Jiang, Huaiyi Mu, Dongxia Pan, Junshi Chen, Zhengming Chen, Liming Li. (2016) Five-Factor Model Personality Traits and the Objective and Subjective Experience of Body Weight. Findings for all lifestyle factors were generally similar in analyses stratified according to age or baseline body-mass index (the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters) ( Supplementary Appendix ). Primary Care: Clinics in Office Practice 43:1, 121-135. Our findings highlight gaps in our mechanistic understanding of how particular dietary characteristics alter energy balance, suggesting directions for future research regarding pathways involved in hunger, satiety, absorption, metabolism, and adipocyte growth or hyperplasia. L. Bornhorst, David J. (2015) Major Dietary Patterns in Relation to General and Central Obesity among Chinese Adults. g. CrossRef 116 Mary E. Rosner, Edward Giovannucci, Rob M. Persons may achieve a new steady-state weight within months after a change in regular physical activity, diet, or other lifestyle habits, highlighting the importance of repeated assessments of over time to discern long-term effects. Energy gain and energy gap in normal-weight children: longitudinal data of the KOPS. A randomized trial of the effects of reducing television viewing and computer use on body mass index in young children. Mashru. Grosso, R. (2016) Obesity, diabetes, and length of time in the United States. (2015) Changes in food choice patterns in a weight loss intervention. (2016) Exploring associations between perceived home and work neighborhood environments, diet behaviors, and obesity: Results from a survey of employed adults in Missouri. (2017) Modelling body weight, dieting and obesity traps. CrossRef 181 Dariush Mozaffarian. A recent study conducted by US and Swedish researchers and published in the Journal of Leukocyte Biology has uncovered some of the mechanisms by which nicotine causes dangerous inflammation. Phillips, C. Is it all just another trendy weight-loss fad, or is there merit in avoiding carbs from the perspective. However, a team of international experts found that working on a computer in an office all day can be just as deadly as smoking. (2016) Nut consumption and age-related disease. M. The final analyses included 50,422 women in the NHS, 47,898 women in the NHS II, and 22,557 men in the HPFS, all of whom were free of obesity and chronic diseases and for whom data on weight and lifestyle habits at baseline were complete. (2016) Low Calorie Sweetener (LCS) use and energy balance. Block. CrossRef 91 Gail C Rampersaud. Colditz, Kenneth R. Tobias, An Pan, Frank B. 5 percentiles to minimize the influence of outliers, or as indicator variables for categorical behaviors (e. (2016) Adult Intake of Minimally Processed Fruits and Vegetables: Associations with Cardiometabolic Disease Risk Factors. Klein, Susan Persky. Lifestyle changes were assessed either as continuous variables, with censoring of data at the 0. All these relationships must be mediated by changes in energy intake, energy expenditure, or both. (2016) The use of low-calorie sweeteners is associated with self-reported prior intent to lose weight in a representative sample of US adults. CrossRef 80 Karen R Siegel, Kai McKeever Bullard, Mohammed K Ali, Aryeh D Stein, Henry S Kahn, Neil K Mehta, Amy Webb Girard, KM Narayan, Giuseppina Imperatore. Their inverse associations with weight gain suggest that the increase in their consumption reduced the intake of other foods to a greater (caloric) extent, decreasing the overall amount of energy consumed. Tedford, G. Amare, Oumer Seid, Kedir Endris, Abiy Hiruye, Amare Worku, Robert Adams, Anne W. Association between dairy food consumption and weight change over 9 y in 19,352 perimenopausal women. J. Ward, Stephen C. CrossRef 167 Jennifer Czwornog, Gregory Austin. ) Full Text of Discussion. Sleep duration had a U-shaped association with weight gain, with greater weight gain occurring with less than 6 hours or more than 8 hours of sleep per night. Article Activity 537 articles have cited this article Article Because efforts to lose weight pose tremendous challenges, primary prevention of weight gain is a global priority. e. However, in contrast to prevalent behaviors, changes in these behaviors were generally not strongly correlated (r As is the case with any biologic finding or medical intervention, our results represent the average population effect, and intraindividual variations exist. (2016) Gender-related different effects of a combined therapy of Exenatide and Metformin on overweight or obesity patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Alcohol, body weight, and weight gain in middle-aged men. Discussion We found that multiple lifestyle changes were independently associated with long-term weight gain, including changes in the consumption of specific foods and beverages, physical activity, alcohol use, television watching, and smoking habits. Picard-Deland, M. Day. , age, body-mass index, and physical activity). (2015) The Epidemiology of Obesity: A Big Picture. CrossRef 185 Joseph F Merola, Shaowei Wu, Jiali Han, Hyon K Choi, Abrar A Qureshi. Women and smoking: a report of the Surgeon General. Gilles, Sotonte Ebenibo, Jim Wan, Chimaroke Edeoga, Samuel Dagogo-Jack. 44,45 Overall, our analysis showed divergent relationships between specific foods or beverages and long-term weight gain, suggesting that dietary quality (the types of foods and beverages consumed) influences dietary quantity (total calories). Comparison of the Atkins, Zone, Ornish, and LEARN diets for change in weight and related risk factors among overweight premenopausal women: the A TO Z Weight Loss Study: a randomized trial. Television viewing and food habits in toddlers and preschoolers in Greece: the GENESIS study. (2016) Macronutrient Composition of Menu Offerings in Fast Food Restaurants in the U. Lewis, Penny Gordon-Larsen. Increases in time spent watching television (per hour per day) were independently associated with weight gain (0. Fraker, David C. CrossRef 38 Eliot A. The results were similar across the three separate cohorts, increasing our confidence in the validity and generalizability of the findings. Vitamins, Phytonutrients, and Minerals in Potato. g. (2016) The Potential Role of Yogurt in Weight Management and Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes. Association between leisure time physical activity and 10-year body mass change among working-aged men and women. P. Washington, DC: National Sleep Foundation, 2010. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics 28:5, 452-464. (2015) Public support for a sugar-sweetened beverage tax and pro-tax messages in a Mid-Atlantic US state. Seguin, Kenneth K. CrossRef 4 Elizabeth H. e2. CrossRef 190 Adela Hruby, Frank B. (2016) The time has come to flag and reduce excess fructose intake. A lifelong smoker, Lawson was diagnosed with the smoking-related disease in 2006. (2016) A Review of the Growth of the Fast Food Industry in China and Its Potential Impact on Obesity. (2016) Nutrition and Health Disparities: The Role of Dairy in Improving Minority Health Outcomes. (2016) Scientific evidence and daily food for a better life: Milan, 19 June 2015. L. No single metric appears to capture these complexities. Gall. (2015) The scale of the evidence base on the health effects of conventional yogurt consumption: findings of a scoping review. There are 45 million smokers in the United States, and coincidentally Americans eat about 50 billion hamburgers. CrossRef 70 Angelina Sutin, Eric Robinson, Michael Daly, Antonio Terracciano. 15 In controlled interventions, decreased television watching reduced weight gain in children, 16,17 an effect that was mediated more by improvements in dietary habits than by a change in physical activity. CrossRef 187 Ryan Walker, Michael Goran. Yogurt consumption was also associated with less weight gain in all three cohorts. The cohorts studied here largely comprised white, educated U. Dairy and weight loss hypothesis: an evaluation of the clinical trials. Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with the full text of this article at NEJM. S. (2016) The Demand for Cigarettes as Derived from the Demand for Weight Loss: A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation. 1 servings per day for vegetable consumption, 25. (2015) Urinary isoflavonoids and risk of type 2 diabetes: a prospective investigation in US women. Has this line of questioning hit a nerve. We investigated the relationship between multiple lifestyle changes, both independently and jointly, and long-term weight gain in nonobese women and men participating in three separate, prospective studies. Hu, Rob M. (2016) Weight discrimination and unhealthy eating-related behaviors. Brinton. Appetite. Giovannucci, Alicja Wolk. Jenkins, Vasanti Malik, Miguel A. Batsis, Julie P. Trans fatty acids: effects on metabolic syndrome, heart disease and diabetes. These results suggest that future policies and research efforts to prevent obesity should consider food structure and processing as potentially relevant dietary metrics. Weight gain as a risk factor for clinical diabetes mellitus in women. (2016) Quality by Design Empowered Development and Optimisation of Time-Controlled Pulsatile Release Platform Formulation Employing Compression Coating Technology. Gomersall. V. Barazzoni, N. (2016) Determinants and Consequences of Obesity. W. (2015) Low fruit consumption and folate deficiency are associated with LINE-1 hypomethylation in women of a cancer-free population. Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism 8:2, 119-129. CrossRef 128 John Cawley, Davide Dragone, Stephanie Von Hinke Kessler Scholder. (2015) Multiple pathways from the neighborhood food environment to increased body mass index through dietary behaviors: A structural equation-based analysis in the CARDIA study. Pomeranz, Jamie F. Thus, weight change is the best population metric of energy imbalance and at least partly captures energy intake after adjustment for determinants of expenditure (e. 2017. (2016) 100 % Fruit juice: perspectives amid the sugar debate. A. Although dietary questionnaires specified portion sizes, residual, unmeasured differences in portion sizes among participants might account for additional independent effects on energy balance. Claire Wang, Jennifer L. Lifestyle changes were self-selected, and residual confounding from other lifestyle behaviors is possible. Zainudiniv, Olga N. adults, which potentially limits the generalizability of the findings. (2016) Adherence to the Mediterranean dietary pattern and BMI change among US adolescents. Sahle, Semaw Ferede Abera, Tolesa Bekele, Ferew Lemma, Azmeraw T. Boirie, T. CrossRef 24 Shirin Panahi, Angelo Tremblay. (2016) Comparison of the bacterial communities in feces from wild versus housed sables (Martes zibellina) by high-throughput sequence analysis of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene. (2016) Impact of food supplementation on weight loss in randomised-controlled dietary intervention trials: a systematic review and meta-analysis. CrossRef 186 Angelo Tremblay, Caroline Doyon, Marina Sanchez. CrossRef 170 Renata Micha, Shahab Khatibzadeh, Peilin Shi, Kathryn G Andrews, Rebecca E Engell, Dariush Mozaffarian. CrossRef 138 Elisa J Vargas-Garcia, Charlotte EL Evans, Janet E Cade. (2016) Fast Food Pattern and Cardiometabolic Disorders: A Review of Current Studies. A habitual energy imbalance of about 50 to 100 kcal per day may be sufficient to cause the gradual weight gain seen in most persons. S. Participants were followed with the use of biennial validated questionnaires concerning medical history, lifestyle, and health practices. 41 lb), but heterogeneity was evident with respect to both the beverage type and the size and direction of changes in use (see the figure in the Supplementary Appendix ). (2016) The effects of potatoes and other carbohydrate side dishes consumed with meat on food intake, glycemia and satiety response in children. (2016) Healthy Weight in Lesbian and Bisexual Women Aged 40 and Older: An Effective Intervention in 10 Cities Using Tailored Approaches. (2015) The association between quitting smoking and weight gain: a systemic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies. CrossRef 28 Youfa Wang, Liang Wang, Hong Xue, Weidong Qu. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 13:1, 28. van Dam, Qi Sun. (2016) Longterm clinical and radiological follow-up of living liver donors. Total energy intake is not well estimated from dietary questionnaires, nor does it reflect energy balance, which is necessarily codetermined by energy expenditure. CrossRef 175 Antonella Agodi, Martina Barchitta, Annalisa Quattrocchi, Andrea Maugeri, Carolina Canto, Anna Elisa Marchese, Manlio Vinciguerra. Perez-Leighton. 44 Lanou AJ, Barnard ND. (2016) The contribution of subsidized food commodities to total energy intake among US adults. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology 54:5, 609-617. Associations between television viewing and consumption of commonly advertised foods among New Zealand children and young adolescents. 4 in the journal Science, was conducted by researchers from several institutions who analyzed more than 5,000 tumors from both smokers. CrossRef 151 Gregory A Hand, Robin P Shook, James O Hill, Peter R Giacobbi, Steven N Blair. Daniel, A. Cifelli, E. The Health Professionals Follow-up Study (HPFS) is a prospective study of a cohort of 51,529 male health professionals from all 50 states, enrolled in 1986. Atlanta: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, March 2001. Stewart. All results were also similar when we evaluated relative (percent) weight changes rather than absolute weight changes (not shown). Tousoulis, M. Prospective weight change and colon cancer risk in male US health professionals. 2016. , blood pressure), and medications were not included as covariables because such factors could be mediators (in causal pathways) or direct correlates of mediators of the effects of lifestyle on weight gain. Singer, L. Aggregate dietary changes accounted for substantial differences in weight gain, with additional contributions from changes in physical activity and television watching, thus highlighting specific lifestyle changes that might be prioritized in obesity-prevention strategies. Media in This Article Figure 1 Relationships between Changes in Food and Beverage Consumption and Weight Changes Every 4 Years, According to Study Cohort. The bill, known as SB 517, which makes public use of marijuana a civil rather than criminal offense, was voted into law on January. CrossRef 92 Snehal M Pinto Pereira, Karin van Veldhoven, Leah Li, Chris Power. CrossRef 90 Cinthya Wibisono, Yasmine Probst, Elizabeth Neale, Linda Tapsell. Mrowka. Cohort members who were excluded because of missing data had characteristics similar to those included in the analysis (data not shown).

, in sweets and desserts) or were not added (e. Volgman, Judith McDevitt. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 115:11, 1861-1870. CrossRef 16 Wenpeng You, Maciej Henneberg. (2016) Controversies about sugars: results from systematic reviews and meta-analyses on obesity, cardiometabolic disease and diabetes. It was a marketing strategy to retain market share for Big Tobacco. CrossRef 32 James Rippe, Theodore Angelopoulos. Abbasi, K. An index that may detect childhood overweight and obesity. CrossRef 169 Guofang Huang, Ahmed Khwaja, K. (2016) The efficacy of nudge theory strategies in influencing adult dietary behaviour: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Van Gossum, R. Lindeman. (2016) Health-beneficial properties of potato and compounds of interest. Chriqui. (2016) Exercise-Mediated Effects on White and Brown Adipose Tissue Plasticity and Metabolism. H. 93 lb across quintiles of dietary change). Marette. In addition, most studies of long-term weight gain have evaluated current behaviors, but changes in behavior over time may be more relevant in terms of both their biologic effects on long-term weight gain and their translation into prevention strategies. Many prior studies of television watching and obesity have been cross-sectional, limiting the ability to make inferences about which came first. P. (2016) Effects of perceived weight discrimination on willingness to adopt unhealthy behaviours: influence of genomic information. Television watching appears to encourage snacking during viewing and also influences food choices both during viewing and at other times. L. ) 57 Plachta-Danielzik S, Landsberg B, Bosy-Westphal A, Johannsen M, Lange D, Muller MJ. Clear patterns were also not seen in the relationship between weight change and the energy density of dietary components (e. CrossRef 137 Jayesh Kamath, Galina Prpich, Sarah Jillani. 2016. (2015) Laboratory Determined Sugar Content and Composition of Commercial Infant Formulas, Baby Foods and Common Grocery Items Targeted to Children. Provision of foods differing in energy density affects long-term weight loss. (2016) Food processing and structure impact the metabolizable energy of almonds. (2015) Consumption of ultra-processed foods and obesity in Brazilian adolescents and adults. org. CrossRef 57 Zhixian Sui, Weng Kei Wong, Jimmy Chun Yu Louie, Anna Rangan. Skim milk compared with a fruit drink acutely reduces appetite and energy intake in overweight men and women. Carson. , in refined grains) — were associated with weight gain in similar ways, and potato products (which are low in sugars and high in starches) showed the strongest associations with weight gain. In fact, one of the most recent bodies of research,. Wiss, Kristen Criscitelli, Mark Gold, Nicole Avena. Provenza, Michel Meuret, Pablo Gregorini. Glanville, Sam Brown, Raanan Shamir, Hania Szajewska, Jacqualyn F. Eating more or less of any one food or beverage may change the total amount of energy consumed, but the magnitude of associated weight gain varied for specific foods and beverages. Teske, M. S. CrossRef 103 R. (2016) Lifestyle modification intervention for overweight and obese Hispanic pregnant women: Development, implementation, lessons learned and future applications. CrossRef 139 Maria Laura da Costa Louzada, Larissa Galastri Baraldi, Euridice Martinez Steele, Ana Paula Bortoletto Martins, Daniela Silva Canella, Jean-Claude Moubarac, Renata Bertazzi Levy, Geoffrey Cannon, Ashkan Afshin, Fumiaki Imamura, Dariush Mozaffarian, Carlos Augusto Monteiro. 55 Willi C, Bodenmann P, Ghali WA, Faris PD, Cornuz J. 2016. Mack. Impact of Dietary Proteins on Energy Balance, Insulin Sensitivity and Glucose Homeostasis. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition 67:3, 232-238. (2016) Relationship between Added Sugars Consumption and Chronic Disease Risk Factors: Current Understanding. CrossRef 3 Paolo Nicola Barbieri. Wood, Tess Gilbert, Linda Toms Barker, Alexandra M. E. (2015) Artificial sweeteners are not the answer to childhood obesity. Franks, Kaumudi Joshipura, Jeremy Pomeroy, Cristina Palacios. Adult weight change and risk of postmenopausal breast cancer. Wolfson, Sara N. Surowiec, Henry Wang. Brunborg, B. Goodlett, Andrew W. Tworoger, Tianyi Huang. Relation between changes in intakes of dietary fiber and grain products and changes in weight and development of obesity among middle-aged women. CrossRef 43 Satya Sharma, Hea Chung, Hyeon Kim, Seong Hong. (2016) Current paradigms in the etiology of obesity. Annals of Epidemiology 26:10, 698-703. Claire Wang. CrossRef 118 Constance Brown-Riggs. W. Bennett. CrossRef 98 Kristy Breuhl Smith, Michael Seth Smith. Figure 2 Relationships between Changes in Diet and Physical Activity and Weight Changes within Each 4-Year Period in the Three Cohorts. (2015) Trends in consumption of ultra-processed foods and obesity in Sweden between 1960 and 2010. Prospective Cohorts. Conversely, the ranges of dietary intakes were broad and overlapped with national estimates. Budoff, A. Anderson, Ellen Demerath, Mark Woodward, Elizabeth Selvin, Josef Coresh. (2015) Impact of interventions to reduce sugar-sweetened beverage intake in children and adults: a protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Multivariable models were used to adjust for age, baseline body-mass index in each 4-year period, and all lifestyle factors simultaneously. (2015) Global, regional and national consumption of major food groups in 1990 and 2010: a systematic analysis including 266 country-specific nutrition surveys worldwide. (2016) Change in active transportation and weight gain in pregnancy. Weight Changes Height and weight were assessed by questionnaire at enrollment, and weight was requested on each follow-up questionnaire. CrossRef 164 Susan E. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 13:1. A. Citing Articles 1 EunSol Her, Soobin Seo. Bischoff, Y. (2015) Feasibility of Recruiting Families into a Heart Disease Prevention Program Based on Dietary Patterns. Frost. (2016) Diet modeling in older Americans: The impact of increasing plant-based foods or dairy products on protein intake. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 49:1, 112-123. No other potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported. Dodson, Lin Yang, Deepti Adlakha, Ross C. H. Short sleep duration and weight gain: a systematic review. Social factors and television use during meals and snacks is associated with higher BMI among pre-school children. (2016) Genetic predictors of obesity development. CrossRef 29 D K Tobias, C Zhang, J Chavarro, S Olsen, W Bao, A A Bjerregaard, T T Fung, J E Manson, F B Hu. Poutahidis. Lima, L. Strong positive associations with weight change were seen for starches, refined grains, and processed foods. Our long-term follow-up data confirm prior observations that smoking cessation results in weight gain initially but in little weight change thereafter. For this analysis, the baseline year was the first year for which detailed information was available on diet, physical activity, and smoking habits — 1986 in the NHS and HPFS and 1991 in the NHS II. (2015) Demographic, health-related, and work-related factors associated with body mass index and body fat percentage among workers at six Connecticut manufacturing companies across different age groups: a cohort study. (2015) Dietary patterns in India and their association with obesity and central obesity. (2016) Meat consumption providing a surplus energy in modern diet contributes to obesity prevalence: an ecological analysis. 46-52 Our long-term prospective evaluation provides evidence that both the duration of television viewing and changes in the duration of viewing influence weight gain in adults. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition 66:6, 623-632. CrossRef 132 Sam Gutterman. Omoluyi Adesanya, Ibiye Owei, Ashley K. (2016) Preclinical evidence for the addiction potential of highly palatable foods: Current developments related to maternal influence. women and men who were free of chronic diseases and not obese at baseline, with follow-up periods from 1986 to 2006, 1991 to 2003, and 1986 to 2006. Milk products, insulin resistance syndrome and type 2 diabetes. Befort. (2016) Healthful dietary patterns and long-term weight change among women with a history of gestational diabetes mellitus. Schoeny, Louis Fogg, JoEllen Wilbur. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 116:9, 1387-1394. Venn. Potatoes and Human Health. Wareham. Vitamins and minerals to take to help quit smoking. Forouhi, Nicholas J. (2016) Food and consumer behavior: why the details matter. CrossRef 82 Huibiao Quan, Huachuan Zhang, Weiping Wei, Tuanyu Fang. (2016) Effectiveness of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy for weight loss and obesity-associated co-morbidities: a 3-year outcome from Mainland Chinese patients. Ruxton. 2016. (2016) Worsening Dietary and Physical Activity Behaviors Do Not Readily Explain Why Smokers Gain Weight After Cessation: A Cohort Study in Young Adults. CrossRef 107 R Akilen, N Deljoomanesh, S Hunschede, C E Smith, M U Arshad, R Kubant, G H Anderson. Biolo, S. P. P. Buy at least three of the top seven superfoods. CrossRef 76 Wendy E Barrington, Emily White. Knutson. Obesity, fat distribution, and weight gain as risk factors for clinical diabetes in men. Beaudoin, A. Ceddia. Foods that contained higher amounts of refined carbohydrates — whether these were added (e. Thorens, A. Morrison, M. Sensitivity analyses were performed to evaluate absolute physical activity levels at the start of each 4-year period rather than changes during the period, data among participants who never smoked, and data stratified according to age and baseline body-mass index. Chambers, D. Allison, J. 2016. Thus, less weight gain occurred with decreased consumption of potato chips, processed meats, sugar-sweetened beverages, potatoes, or trans fat, and more weight gain occurred with decreased consumption of vegetables, whole grains, fruits, nuts, or yogurt. Zampelas. 31 lb, P As compared with persons who never smoked, those who had quit smoking within the previous 4 years had a weight gain of 5. (2015) Energy expenditure and muscular activation patterns through active sitting on compliant surfaces. CrossRef 157 P Mirmiran, Z Bahadoran, N Moslehi, S Bastan, F Azizi. 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Prior analyses of HPFS data showed associations similar to ours for the overall categories of whole-fat and low-fat dairy products, 40 but subtypes (e. Vettor, P. CrossRef 123 Zahra Bahadoran, Parvin Mirmiran, Fereidoun Azizi. 2015. (2015) Job-loss and weight gain in British adults: Evidence from two longitudinal studies. Leo, J. Hotz. Beginning in June, the new minimum age for officially jumped from 18 to 21, a prohibition move that lawmakers claim will curb the number of smokers in the Golden. g. (2016) Impact of Improving Home Environments on Energy Intake and Physical Activity: A Randomized Controlled Trial. In fact, German scientists understood smoking caused cancer. (. 05. The influence of food portion size and energy density on energy intake: implications for weight management. Active smoking and the risk of type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2016) Dietary Protein Intake and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in US Men and Women. 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(2016) Cardiovascular Risk in Midlife African American Women Participating in a Lifestyle Physical Activity Program. Ferrer, William M. Heimbach. Hu. (2016) The impact of dietary risk factors on the burden of non-communicable diseases in Ethiopia: findings from the Global Burden of Disease study 2013. A prospective study of alcohol intake and change in body weight among US adults. Baker. Conclusions Specific dietary and lifestyle factors are independently associated with long-term weight gain, with a substantial aggregate effect and implications for strategies to prevent obesity. (2015) A Prospective Investigation of the Association Between Urinary Excretion of Dietary Lignan Metabolites and Weight Change in US Women. Causes of Severe Obesity: Genes to Environment. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 66:14, 1590-1614. Hu. Soft drinks and weight gain: how strong is the link. (2016) Estimating individual optimal sleep duration and potential sleep debt. g. (2016) Carbohydrates and insulin resistance in clinical nutrition: Recommendations from the ESPEN expert group. g. (2016) Combined early and adult life risk factor associations for mid-life obesity in a prospective birth cohort: assessing potential public health impact. Changes in diet and physical activity were independently associated with weight gain ( Figure 2 ). Swinburn, Steven L. (2016) Higher Diet Quality in Adolescence and Dietary Improvements Are Related to Less Weight Gain During the Transition From Adolescence to Adulthood. Television viewing behaviour and associations with food habits in different countries. A. Several lifestyle behaviors may influence whether or not a person can maintain energy balance over the long term. CrossRef 14 Rizliya Visvanathan, Chathuni Jayathilake, Barana Chaminda Jayawardana, Ruvini Liyanage. Clark, Sjaan R. Subsequent weight gain for former smokers was small (0. In general, changes in the consumption of refined or processed foods and liquid carbohydrates or alcohol were positively associated with weight gain, whereas changes in the consumption of unprocessed foods such as whole grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables were inversely associated with weight gain. Vitamin C - 1,000 mg twice daily (remember to titrate. This makes the negative health impact of mental conditions as strong as, or even stronger than, cigarette. Ouyang, S. Eales. (2015) Energy flux: staying in energy balance at a high level is necessary to prevent weight gain for most people. 2010. S. Fruit and vegetable intakes and subsequent changes in body weight in European populations: results from the project on Diet, Obesity, and Genes (DiOGenes). Sullivan, Christie A. Fast food consumption and increased caloric intake: a systematic review of a trajectory towards weight gain and obesity risk. (2016) Relation between dietary pattern analysis (principal component analysis) and body mass index: a 5-year follow-up study in a Belgian military population. CrossRef 35 Shingo Kitamura, Yasuko Katayose, Kyoko Nakazaki, Yuki Motomura, Kentaro Oba, Ruri Katsunuma, Yuri Terasawa, Minori Enomoto, Yoshiya Moriguchi, Akiko Hida, Kazuo Mishima. Willett, Frank B. Just, Gnel Gabrielyan. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 116:7, 1156-1162. (2016) Sweeteners and health: findings from recent research and their impact on obesity and related metabolic conditions. Release 23. (2016) Mortality outcomes associated with intake of fast-food items and sugar-sweetened drinks among older adults in the Vitamins and Lifestyle (VITAL) study. Hill, Amy Latimer, Andrew G. (2017) Health halo effects in sequential food consumption: The moderating roles of health-consciousness and attribute framing. Brownson. (2015) Behavioral characterization of a model of differential susceptibility to obesity induced by standard and personalized cafeteria diet feeding. CrossRef 134 Filippa Juul, Erik Hemmingsson. (2016) Weight Gain in Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome After Acid Suppression. (2015) Colors of fruits and vegetables and 3-year changes of cardiometabolic risk factors in adults: Tehran lipid and glucose study. (2015) A novel dietary strategy to increase colonic propionate production in humans and improve appetite regulation and bodyweight management. Cavallari. Peters, Jimikaye Beck. (2015) Our landscapes, our livestock, ourselves: Restoring broken linkages among plants, herbivores, and humans with diets that nourish and satiate. (2016) Discretionary food and beverage consumption and its association with demographic characteristics, weight status, and fruit and vegetable intakes in Australian adults. Diet and Lifestyle Changes Although the mean changes in lifestyle in the overall study population were small, the between-individual changes were large ( Table 1 ). CrossRef 133 Iffat Rahman, Alicja Wolk, Susanna C Larsson. (2016) Imbalanced insulin action in chronic over nutrition: Clinical harm, molecular mechanisms, and a way forward. , smoking status) and with carried-forward values for continuous variables. Sutin, Antonio Terracciano. Vargas. Changes in physical activity were independently related to long-term changes in weight, supporting the biologic plausibility of our overall findings. Microbes and Oxytocin. Addison, James A. (2016) Yogurt, diet quality and lifestyle factors. Beck, Marijka J. Initiation of smoking was not associated with weight change, but evaluation of this category was limited by its rarity in these populations (accounting for Table 3 ). Results Baseline Characteristics and Weight Gain Weight and lifestyle characteristics at baseline and changes during 1,570,808 person-years of follow-up are shown in Table 1. (2016) Changes in Overall Diet Quality and Subsequent Type 2 Diabetes Risk: Three U. Frazier-Wood, J. E. Higher fiber content and slower digestion of these foods would augment satiety, and their increased consumption would also displace other, more highly processed foods in the diet, providing plausible biologic mechanisms whereby persons who eat more fruits, nuts, vegetables, and whole grains would gain less weight over time. Lewis, D. CrossRef 25 S Panahi, M A Fernandez, A Marette, A Tremblay. CrossRef 11 Marta Campolier, Sangeetha Pariyarath Thondre, Miriam Clegg, Amir Shafat, Ali Mcintosh, Helen Lightowler. 56 The typical portion size of a specific food or beverage may therefore partly mediate its effects on weight gain (i. Swithers. A prospective study of body mass index, weight change, and risk of stroke in women. g. Francine Laden for comments during the preparation of an early version of the manuscript, and Dr. Krauss, Daan Kromhout, David J. Camire. (2016) The Cost of Increasing Physical Activity and Maintaining Weight for Midlife Sedentary African American Women. CrossRef 115 Ashley Harris, Nymisha Chilukuri, Meredith West, Janice Henderson, Shari Lawson, Sarah Polk, David Levine, Wendy L. Panagiotakos, A. S. Venn, P. Reductions in dietary energy density are associated with weight loss in overweight and obese participants in the PREMIER trial. However, weight gain often occurs gradually over decades (about 1 lb per year), making it difficult for most people to perceive the specific causes. The Molecular Nutrition of Amino Acids and Proteins, 241-264. (2016) Enhanced susceptibility of obese mice to glycidamide-induced sperm chromatin damage without increased oxidative stress. C. Dairy consumption and risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus: a meta-analysis of cohort studies. Our findings suggest that both individual and population-based strategies to help people consume fewer calories may be most effective when particular foods and beverages are targeted for decreased (or increased) consumption. (2015) The relationship between sweetened beverage consumption and risk of heart failure in men. CrossRef 41 Ming Ding, Yang Hu, Joel Schwartz, Woon-Puay Koh, Jian-Min Yuan, Howard D. (2015) Dietary habits and leisure-time physical activity in relation to adiposity, dyslipidemia, and incident dysglycemia in the pathobiology of prediabetes in a biracial cohort study. Dahl, Maria L. Gudzune, Cheryl A. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 51:4, e91-e97. Tucker, P. CrossRef 61 Jinho Kim. 7:10, 4231-4238. Demmer, V. , beverages of low energy density were strongly associated with weight gain). CrossRef 66 Roxana Torres, Sandra Soltero, Maria Angelica Trak, Carolyn M. Absolute levels of physical activity, rather than changes in these levels, were not associated with weight change (data not shown). 3 metabolic equivalents (METs) per week for physical activity, and 0. CrossRef 183 Elisabeth A Donaldson, Joanna E Cohen, Lainie Rutkow, Andrea C Villanti, Norma F Kanarek, Colleen L Barry. Sugar-sweetened beverages, weight gain, and incidence of type 2 diabetes in young and middle-aged women. CrossRef 67 Tetsuro Tsujimoto, Hiroshi Kajio, Takehiro Sugiyama. Mozaffarian. Boucher, E. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases 12:7, 1305-1311. Meyer, Annie Green Howard, Janne Boone-Heinonen, Barry M. Future studies should evaluate how changes in sleep over time are related to weight gain. Murthy, M. (2015) The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. , smoking status). Different types of alcohol drinks were also evaluated. Bleich. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 96:15, 4850-4860. Kadouh, Andres Acosta. CrossRef 68 Riddhish Patadia, Chintan Vora, Karan Mittal, Rajashree C. Closing the energy gap to prevent weight gain in China. Journal of the American College of Nutrition 35:6, 581-586. Lifestyle Choices, Risk Factors, and Cardiovascular Disease. 5 and 99. (2016) Uptake of the centers for medicare and medicaid obesity benefit: 2012-2013. Liquid and solid meal replacement products differentially affect postprandial appetite and food intake in older adults. Resch, Y. (2016) No clinically meaningful weight changes in a young cohort following total joint arthroplasty at 3-year follow-up. Steffen, D. C. (2016) Biology of Beige Adipocyte and Possible Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity. Alcohol consumption, weight gain, and risk of becoming overweight in middle-aged and older women. Guess. (2015) Sleep Disturbances in Patients with Medical Conditions.

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